It has been two months since I finished my TV Presenting course in Cape Town. And a lot of things happened after that too . Things uncontrollable. Some things I could say, went out of my hand. Some are bad, yet more good things appeared out of it. Cut my hair. I mean to say, cut it really short! And when I say it is short, trust me... it is SHORT. I don't know, is it a like a New Year's thing to chop one's hair off? Hmm, I don't know really. All I know, I didn't do it because it's a New-Year-Thing. I wanted to do something different, something new. Like Alicia Keys on her song, "Brand New Me".
"Don't take it personally
Don't be mad
It's just a brand new kinda me
That ain't bad
I found a brand new kinda free."
Haha. It is inspiring alright. And it takes inspiration for me to fire me up and get motivated. So what if Cape Town is more fun. But I make the best of what I got here in Jozi, I have my friends, my family and most of all... my Fiance. Yup, that is one of the uncontrollable, unexpected, spontaneous, awesome-st thing that happened to me after I got back from the Mother City! This babe right here is finally engaged. I am 26 years old, single and not getting any younger. I know how to make a living on my own since I left my mother's house at the age of 18. If there is anything I should be worry about is not getting a man that will compliment my life, day in and day out! I am content with my life right now. Renting a two-bedroom house with my fiance (Yes he moved in with me, it's not like we are living in 1800's. It's the 20th century. You gotta testdrive the car before you settle with one. Duh.) And, he's gonna marry me. I got everything I wanted in life. Or maybe not everything... but I got all I need. And that is more than enough for me. After all, Happiness is what we all seek for in life. No matter how we do, what we do... (who we do? Just kidding), we all look for happiness. And I found mine.
One and a half weeks to go, and I am pursuing another venture in life. New friends, new people, new experiences - NEW COURSE! Well, I did not come here to the City of Gold to not get what I came here for; To be in the in the Media Industry. I've done 3 music videos, I have studied Journalism and even did TV Presenting recently. Met quite a lot of Media Personalities in the past, and I am still gonna take that challenge to be that person I have always aspired to be. I am not gonna stop now. I will NEVER stop actually. So, here's to Film and TV Productions. I will be working behind the camera, but watch until I get into the front scene as I produce quality shows on TV and in the Film Industry. Dreaming much? Yes. And DREAMS DO COME TRUE. *wink*
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