"High aspirations breeds frustrations,
Frustrations breeds motivations...
and Motivation puts you into action.
but our Action determines SUCCESS."
I guess in my case, all those sort of happened that pushed me to write this article. We all know what we want in life. We all have dreams to follow but there is no guarantee of when, where and how it will happen. We all have dreams but there are circumstances in our lives that took place or is currently taking place that leads us to a decision, "Let me pause dreaming for now because reality is kicking in".
Reality is, we make our own reality. We can determine what is real or not base on how we think. How we think as an individual plays a major factor on how we react towards certain situations. I remember when I was about 15 years old, I hated my parents. Basically, I hated my life in some extent. I revolved my "thinking" to assumptions that everybody hates me and the world is out to get me. In return, no matter how good the opportunity was, or how good people were towards me, I kept on resenting everybody and possibilities as I only saw life as unfair and unworthy of trying. I gave up on life like a boat staying afloat, waiting for the wind to drag me to the shore.
We all have those moments in our lives. We tend to make excuses for ourselves and just blame it on everything... yet, sometimes blame it to someone else. How about we take responsibility of our decisions and our actions? Nobody has surely done those bad things to us if we did not let it happen or take control of our lives. How do we take control of our lives? By how we think, react and act.
"Surely your life is easier than mine. Try walking in my shoes and you will know how it feels like. Surely you would also be giving up on your dreams because your reality is different than my reality". First of all, lose all the excuses and face the reality of life. All of us have been placed on this planet with a given purpose. Our uniqueness, our different desirability, character and circumstances are what make our stories different from one another. We cannot change the home we were brought in, or parents that raised us up or that specific bad memories in our childhood that shaped our behaviour on others and about life. The good news is, we have all been given choices.

You see, hardwork is not enough to pursue our dreams alone. If hardwork can make us billionaires, all the maids, carpenters, farmers, etc. would have been super rich by now while those people that are sitting on top signing cheques would have been the broke ones. But unfortunately, it doesn't work that way. Even if we go back to the message I was trying to come across earlier (that your thoughts are powerful), these successful people do not just work hard, they work smart. There is a difference. Working hard is simply working hard physically, but working smart involves mentally. How do we work smart if we just accept things how it is, how do we work smart if we are physically drained everyday and do not give ourselves a chance to relax, cast that negative energy away in order to work hand in hand with hardwork and working smart? Always ask yourself, "Is it really worth working this hard for other people while I have neglected my own needs and wants?" While you work, think smart. Secure your future. Ask yourself a question, "But how about my dream?"
Your passion is what determines your dream. Your passion is what usually brings happiness and light up your face. What is life without happiness? Make sure that whatever it is you are doing is what you love. The true meaning of success is being be able to bring happiness in your life. It could be your idealistic dreams, the way the world would be if you were in charge; destination dreams, that dream of a certain position, entitlement or award you have been dreaming about; or material dreams of wealth and possessions. All of those dreams bring about happiness. do not just sit there and accept life how it is. Thrive for success. Be that little kid you were who were thrived by imaginations and be whatever you want to be.
Why do we give up on our dreams? because of that little voice inside you that says "You Can't". How about you believe in yourself and say, "Oh I can....and I WILL".
"Dreams come a size too big so that we can grow into them" - Josie Bisset
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