Rock City Life




Sunday, 13 April 2014

Long Journey to Find LOVE pt. 1

I honestly can't remember when was the last time I feel alone. Almost all of us dream of having someone who we could grow old with and share all those experiences in life. Mine did not come as fast as it could. I had to experience heartache, deception and difficult twist and turns before I found "The One". For those of you who are losing hope, think again. Look At Me Now! As Ludacris will tell you :)

I can still remember when we first met. My sister had already been bombarding my ears for weeks about him. How we have so many things in common, how we are both a long-term relationship kind of suckers. In her own words, "who would rather cuddle in front of the tv on a Saturday Night than clubbing". I guess that was really what intrigued me to meet him. "Does a man like that still exist nowadays?". I've seen his pictures alright, and I meant a guy with good looks who still prefer "cuddles" than chasing women/girls at a club? I've got to meet him.

I remember how we were supposed to meet up for my 24th birthday and he didn't make it. For whatever reason, I also wasn't really keen on meeting him as there was this guy who was already showing interest in me. He's also cute and I must say, stable too. (Yup, I've had to set high standards with men after dating a "douschebag" in the past).  I can still remember how that guy didn't make it for my birthday and went to Durban to play golf for the weekend! Talk about a total butthole! It had to happen I guess because it opened my eyes not to ever settle for less. And ofcourse, made other plans. *wink*

Ahhh! My sister invited him the following weekend to meet up for cocktails in Menlyn.
I had been single for more than a year and so was he. Perfect!

I remember I chose to wear a pink-holter top (which is now donated in charity, btw) and skinny jeans. My hair was long then, so just a simple pin-straight hair and I brought a fitted blazer with just in case. A simple look but in my head, I had to look sexy. First impressions last! But I had to attract a good man in my life, who looks for sophistication ans simpleness than sexy! And I guess I did attract the man-of-my-dreams.

I can still remember the scene in my head as he was walking right up to our table (yes, it wasn't a date. I was with my friends and with my sister. It was a group chilled-night out). I can still remember how he smelled, that perfume!😍 He was a real gentleman who only ordered RedBull for he doesn't really drink....and he had to drive for an hour back home. (Boksburg North to Pretoria) Do the math. I guess I must be that special. I guess from the very beginning he made me feel like so. From the start, he made me feel like I deserved all the travelling-back-and-forth just to be with me.

Monday, 7 April 2014

Short blog through my phone 😎

Have you ever like wondered whether you are doing enough to achieve your dreams? Like you have accomplished so much already, yet something is still missing. You have everything you need, yet you want more... Is this normal? Gaah! I think it's healthy! 😊

I am blogging from my phone right now. I think it's super cool. I don't have to pull out my laptop and write. I just have tah grab my phone and type away! I think writing is very soothing for me and I should do it more often. If there are many typos, pardon me as I type it out through a touchscreen mobile. Luckily I wouldn't be able to hear you whisper "Stupid!" when you see type errors, and lucky for me I can blame it on touchscreens as the readers wouldn't really know if I just can't spell the word. LOL.

Gosh... I'm excited! Guess more blogging for me! Yay! 😍💖 #fortheloveofwriting

My Music Playlist

